Terms and Conditions
This website and its content are owned by: Vinchu S.A.S, CUIT 33-71820073-9 (hereinafter "CUX" or "We"), located at Calle Dean Funes 163, floor 2, apartment 13, in the city of Córdoba, Department Capital, Province of Córdoba, Republic of Argentina.
You can contact us at the address mentioned and/or by sending an email to ayuda@cux.ai.
This contract describes the general terms and conditions (the "General Terms and Conditions") applicable to the use of the services offered by CUX ("the Services") within the site www.cux.ai (the "Site"). Any person (hereinafter "User" or in the plural "Users") who wishes to access and/or use the site or the Services may do so subject to the General Terms and Conditions, along with all other policies and principles governing CUX and incorporated herein by reference.
The User must read, understand, and accept all the conditions established in the General Terms and Conditions and in the Privacy Policies, as well as in the other documents incorporated into them by reference, prior to their registration as a User, expressly opting to receive them and any other information by digital means.
1. Nature of the Services
The Site is a digital self-help platform designed to provide virtual support, without mediation or human interaction with the User through pre-designed conversations and conditioned by algorithms (chatbot). CUX does not offer and will not offer medical advice, and is not designed to be used in emergency situations. In case of emergency, please contact your medical service or the emergency service in your area. Here is a list of emergency services that may be useful:
In Argentina:
- Line 107: Medical Emergencies: Free line of the public medical emergency service. Also find out what the emergency medical number is for your locality and keep it handy.
- Line 135: Suicide Assistance: If you or someone close to you is going through an emotional crisis of any kind, feels that nothing makes sense, or finds themselves trapped in a situation with no way out, do not hesitate to call this number.
- 011 5275 1135: Suicide Assistance Center: It is a non-profit institution that has been providing free, personal, confidential, and anonymous telephone assistance to people in crisis or at risk of suicide through its suicide prevention hotline since 1967.
- 08003451435: Suicide Assistance
- 42221200: Telephone of Hope: Its objective is to urgently, free of charge, anonymously, and specialized address emotional crisis situations. Staffed by volunteers specialized in listening and trained to activate individuals' abilities to overcome their problems.
- quedate.cl: Suicide Prevention Program: The "Stay" chat is a remote chat channel that seeks to help during moments of crisis, specifically related to the topic of suicide. You can access the chat at quedate.cl.
In Bolivia:
- Line 156: Secure Line: Works 24 hours a day and responds to reports of cases of violence in emergency situations requiring immediate attention, and in case of emotional containment, they will refer to the Secure Family Line.
- 800 11 3040: Secure Family Line: Provides specialized free care to those needing emotional support in crisis situations, preventing violence, or addressing mental health issues, as well as referring cases that require the intervention of the women's, children's, or adolescent protection system through the platform.
- 2248486: Telephone of Hope: Its objective is to urgently, free of charge, anonymously, and specialized address emotional crisis situations. Staffed by volunteers specialized in listening and trained to activate individuals' abilities to overcome their problems.
In Colombia:
- 323 24 25: Telephone of Hope: Its objective is to urgently, free of charge, anonymously, and specialized address emotional crisis situations. Staffed by volunteers specialized in listening and trained to activate individuals' abilities to overcome their problems.
In Ecuador:
- 2 6000477: Telephone of Hope: Its objective is to urgently, free of charge, anonymously, and specialized address emotional crisis situations. Staffed by volunteers specialized in listening and trained to activate individuals' abilities to overcome their problems.
In Spain:
- 717 003 717: Crisis Assistance Telephone
- 902500002: Telephone of Hope: Its objective is to urgently, free of charge, anonymously, and specialized address emotional crisis situations. Staffed by volunteers specialized in listening and trained to activate individuals' abilities to overcome their problems.
In Honduras:
- 0558 08 08 / Line 150 (Admón 2232 2707): Telephone of Hope: Its objective is to urgently, free of charge, anonymously, and specialized address emotional crisis situations. Staffed by volunteers specialized in listening and trained to activate individuals' abilities to overcome their problems.
In Mexico:
- 55 46313300: Hispano-American Institute of Suicidology, A.C
- 55 5259 8121: SPTEL - Free Emotional/Psychological Support Line: SPTEL is a mental health and Telemedicine service with 30 years of operation. SPTEL is a professional program staffed by selected, trained, qualified, and supervised psychologists who provide counseling, referral services, psychological support, psychotherapeutic advice, and emotional crisis intervention via telephone for free.
In Peru:
- 01 498 2711: Peruvian Center for Suicidology and Suicide Prevention
- 01 273 8026: Telephone of Hope: Its objective is to urgently, free of charge, anonymously, and specialized address emotional crisis situations. Staffed by volunteers specialized in listening and trained to activate individuals' abilities to overcome their problems.
In Puerto Rico:
- 1-800-981-0023/ 1-888-672-7622: PAS Line (First Psychological Aid)
- Line 988: National Suicide Prevention Line
In Venezuela:
- 0212-4163116 / 0212-4163118: Psychological Aid Line: Telephone assistance to provide Psychological First Aid to individuals in crisis. Assistance is free, anonymous, confidential, and accessible from any type of phone.
In Uruguay:
- 0800-Vive (8483)
- 0800 0767: Suicide Prevention Line: The line is a national telephone assistance service aimed at reducing suicide attempts or suicides nationwide. The line operates 24 hours a day, every day of the year, regardless of which health provider the consulting person is affiliated with. It is staffed by a team of professionals who have been trained for the task.
The User acknowledges and understands that the Site and its content are solely for informational purposes. For this reason, the Site does not offer and will not offer medical advice. CUX is not a health service or a substitute for one. CUX does not conduct diagnoses nor can it be understood as professional medical treatment. CUX does not constitute in any way a medical insurance or related product, nor is it a social security program or prepaid medicine, home medical service, or unlimited medical service. The conversations that the User engages in within the Site are programmed based on scientific elements and analysis of studies related to therapeutic assistance, both national and international, so the results that arise from the information and responses of the User are programmed according to predetermined psychological profiles indicated by external specialists, and should not be interpreted as a diagnosis, nor is it a substitute for advice and evaluation by a licensed professional.
The Services offered by the Site will only be accessible to those Users who purchase one of the available subscriptions on the Site, by paying a subscription fee when necessary.
2. Users-Capacity:
Services are only available to individuals who have the legal capacity to contract. Individuals who do not have this capacity and/or minors under 18 years of age may not use the services. Therefore, the User declares, under their responsibility, to be of legal age and to have the sufficient capacity to be bound by these terms.
3. Registration/onboarding:
It is mandatory to complete the registration form in all its fields with valid data in order to use the services provided by CUX. The User must fill it out with their personal information accurately, precisely, and truthfully ("Personal Data") and undertakes the obligation to update the Personal Data as necessary. The User expressly agrees that CUX may use various means to identify and/or validate their personal data, taking on the obligation to review and keep it updated. CUX is NOT responsible for the accuracy of the Users' Personal Data. Users guarantee and are responsible, in any case, for the truthfulness, accuracy, validity, and authenticity of their Personal Data. The User will access their personal account ("Account") by entering their Username and chosen personal security key ("Security Key"). The User agrees to maintain the confidentiality of their Security Key. The Account is personal, unique, and non-transferable, and it is prohibited for the same User to register or hold more than one Account. In case CUX detects different Accounts containing matching or related data, it may cancel, suspend, or disable them. The User will be responsible for all operations carried out on their Account, as access to it is restricted to the entry and use of their Security Key, which is known exclusively by the User. The User agrees to notify CUX immediately and through an appropriate and reliable means of any unauthorized use of their Account, as well as any unauthorized access by third parties. The sale, assignment, or transfer of the Account under any concept is prohibited. In line with the principle of proactive responsibility, CUX reserves the right to reject any registration request or to cancel a previously accepted registration, without being obligated to communicate or explain the reasons for its decision and without that generating any right to indemnification or compensation. Likewise, the User agrees to: 1) Provide truthful information about registration data and keep it updated; 2) Not to disseminate content contrary to the law or the dignity of the person; that is discriminatory based on birth, race, gender, religion, opinion, or any other personal or social condition or circumstance; or that, in any way, is contrary to the law and public order; 3) any others that, in the judgment of CUX, are inappropriate for publication. CUX reserves the right to make modifications deemed appropriate, adding, changing, or removing content or services provided through the website.
Additionally, by accepting these General Terms and Conditions, all Users declare that they know and accept the following basic rules of coexistence for all interactions on the Site (the “Coexistence Rules”):
1. Be kind and cordial: To foster a pleasant environment, we must treat each other with respect. You can debate various topics as long as you are cordial with others.
2. Do not bully or use offensive language: Ensure that everyone feels safe. Bullying and degrading comments about race, religion, culture, sexual orientation, gender, or identity are not allowed.
3. Do not post promotions or spam: Give more than you receive. Self-promotion, spam, or irrelevant links are not allowed in this group. Do not solicit money or donations.
4. Respect the privacy of others: Mutual trust is required to be part of the group. Honest and open conversations remain confidential and private. What is shared in the group should not leave it.
5. Do not judge: What is "normal" is a trap. We encourage acceptance and respect for the diversity of opinions and ways of life.
6. Do not use specific sexual language. We maintain a respectful environment free of explicit sexual content.
4. Opinions, comments, and other content
Users agree to release CUX from any claims made by third parties against CUX arising from or related to such content and materials, except to the extent that such liability arises from CUX's failure to adequately remove such content after being notified of the unlawful nature of such content.
Users will not be able to manipulate their personal data, as such activities and/or similar ones - at CUX's sole discretion - will be investigated by CUX, and the infringer may be sanctioned with the suspension or cancellation of the Account, without prejudice to any legal actions that may arise due to the configuration of crimes or offenses or the damages that may be caused to third parties. CUX may remove the publication of the User's personal data in compliance with this if it interprets - at its sole discretion - that the personal data and/or the User's conduct does not comply with these Terms and Conditions.
Violations of the System or Databases
No action or use of device, software, or any other means aimed at interfering with the activities and operations of CUX, as well as with the offers, descriptions, accounts, or databases of CUX, is permitted. Any intrusion, attempt, or activity that violates or is contrary to intellectual property laws and/or the prohibitions stipulated in this contract will make the responsible party liable for the relevant legal actions, and for the penalties provided for in this agreement, as well as making them responsible for compensating the damages caused.
Without prejudice to other measures, CUX may warn, temporarily or permanently suspend a User's Account, initiate actions it deems appropriate, and/or suspend the provision of its Services if (a) any law is violated, or any of the stipulations of the General Terms and Conditions and other CUX policies; (b) if the User fails to fulfill their commitments; (c) if CUX deems that there are malicious or fraudulent behaviors or acts; (d) if the User's identity or any information provided by the User cannot be verified or is inaccurate; (e) CUX believes that publications or other actions could pose liability for the User who published them, for CUX, or for other Users in general. In the event of a suspension of a User, whether temporary or permanent, all their personal data that had been published will be removed from the Site. Specifically, and without prejudice to any other action that CUX may take, in case a User violates the Coexistence Rules during interactions on the wall, the first action will be to remove the comment made in violation of the Coexistence Rules and warn the User. If the User violates the Coexistence Rules a second time, the possibility of interaction between the User's Account and the Community will be suspended for a period of 7 consecutive days, without prejudice to continuing to interact with other functionalities of the Site. Finally, in the event of a third violation, CUX will permanently cancel the User's Account access to the Community, although they may continue using other functionalities of the Site.
Procedure and notice of rights violation
If a User believes that any of their rights have been violated, they may report this situation via email to denuncias@cux.ai in order to inform any concerns they may have regarding any alleged infringement of their rights. Once the email has been received, CUX may initiate various actions, which may include the removal of the information in question, without this implying any admission of liability and without prejudice to any rights, actions or defenses that may correspond to CUX, all of which are expressly reserved. Furthermore, by sending a communication, it will be understood that the User grants CUX the right to use, reproduce, modify, adapt, publish, translate, create any derivative works from such content and display them worldwide and through any means. This includes CUX's right to forward the email to parties that provided the allegedly infringing content. The User releases CUX from any liability regarding any claims made by third parties against CUX arising from or related to the content of the notice of rights violation.
9. Privacy Policy and Data Protection (attached link)
To use the services offered by CUX, Users must provide certain personal data. Their personal information is processed and stored on servers or magnetic media that maintain high standards of security and protection, both physical and technological. In compliance with the provisions of the laws of the countries in which it operates, CUX - as the responsible party for the website - informs all Users who provide or are going to provide their personal data that these will be subject to registered processing among the processing activities of CUX in accordance with the laws applicable in the countries where it operates. The owner of the Site is Vinchu S.A.S., whose identifying and registration details are at the top of this legal document. CUX, through the forms made available to the User, can collect personal information in order to tailor the Services to their profiles and thus provide a more personalized and effective service. The User voluntarily provides the requested information. The refusal to provide it has, as the only consequence for the User, not receiving information adjusted to their preferences or the services offered by the website. By checking the corresponding box, the User expressly and freely consents to the processing of their personal data by CUX in the manner described in the Privacy Policies that are part of this document. CUX, as the data controller, is obligated to keep all of them confidential, as well as to safeguard them. These obligations will remain even after the User's relationship with CUX has ended. CUX guarantees at all times to the User the exercise of their rights of access, rectification, limitation, deletion, cancellation, and opposition regarding the personal data provided. Likewise, it is guaranteed at all times the exercise of their rights to be notified by the responsible party regarding any rectification, deletion, or limitation of data processing, unless it is impossible or requires a disproportionate effort, and has the right not to be subject to a decision that produces legal effects based solely on automated processing, by writing to denuncias@cux.ai.
Use of cookies (attached link)
By using cookies, both from the website and from third parties related to it, it is possible to know multiple details about the User's activity; for example, the location from which they access, the connection time, the operating system used, the pages visited, and other data relating to the user's behavior on the internet (traffic parameters, number of entries, etc.). It is possible to access the website by disabling cookies, but this may interfere with its proper functioning. The cookies used by the website are only associated with anonymous users and their computers without being able to provide, by themselves, personal data of those users. Cookies do not collect personal information that allows for the identification of a specific user. The cookies used by this website are always temporary.
System failures
CUX is not responsible for any damage, harm, or loss to the User caused by failures in the system, server, or the Internet. CUX shall also not be liable for any viruses that may infect the User's equipment as a result of accessing, using, or viewing its website or as a result of any data, files, images, texts, or audio transmitted through it. Users may NOT attribute any liability or demand payment for lost profits due to damages resulting from technical difficulties or failures in the systems or the Internet. CUX does not guarantee continuous or uninterrupted access and use of its site. The system may occasionally be unavailable due to technical difficulties or Internet failures, or for any other reason beyond CUX's control; in such cases, efforts will be made to restore it as quickly as possible without any liability on its part. CUX shall not be liable for any errors or omissions contained on its website.
Link Policy:
The Website may contain links to other websites with privacy policies different from this one. CUX is not responsible for the content or practices of the linked sites and users are encouraged to read the privacy policy of any website they access from this one. The Site may contain links to third-party websites. Since CUX has no control over such sites, it will not be responsible for the content, materials, actions, and/or services provided by them, nor for any damages or losses caused by the use of these, whether directly or indirectly. The presence of links to other websites does not imply a partnership, relationship, endorsement, or support from CUX with such sites and their content. When Users use the Site, they may also be using one or more third-party services, such as authentication services, payment services, data services from a provider or mobile platform provider using wireless networks. The use of such services provided by third parties may be subject to additional policies, terms of use, and applicable fees.
Intellectual and industrial property:
This website is owned by CUX. The content of the screens related to the Services as well as the programs, databases, networks, files that allow the User to access and use their Account, are owned by CUX and are protected by international copyright laws, trademarks, patents, industrial designs, and database rights. Misuse and the total or partial reproduction of such content is prohibited, unless expressly authorized in writing by CUX. The intellectual and industrial property rights, exploitation rights, and reproduction of this website (pages, screens, information, appearance, structure and design, source code, audio files, and software, as well as the links) established from it to other websites are owned, assigned, or licensed to CUX unless otherwise specified. The name, design, and logos that make up this website are duly registered trademarks. Their misuse may be prosecuted in accordance with current legislation. The intellectual property and trademark rights of third parties are highlighted, and the User must respect them in all cases. The User is not authorized, in any case, to download content from the Site. Therefore, reproducing, publicly communicating, distributing, transferring, modifying, or deleting the information, content or warnings of the website is prohibited, except with prior, explicit, and written authorization from CUX. Subject to compliance with these General Terms and Conditions, as well as the payment of the applicable price, if any, CUX grants Users a limited non-exclusive, non-transferable, and non-sublicensable license to access and use CUX's Services for personal non-commercial purposes. This license does not include any resale rights or commercial use of the Services or their content. It also does not include the right to make any derivative use of the Services or their content, or to download or copy information from any account for the benefit of another company, nor the use of search and data extraction tools or similar robots. Reproduction, duplication, copying, sale, resale, or exploitation of any kind of the Services or any part thereof for commercial purposes is not permitted.
The User shall indemnify CUX, as well as its subsidiaries, controlled and/or controlling companies, officials, directors, successors, agents, administrators, representatives, and employees, against any claims initiated by other Users, third parties, or any Organization, related to their activities on the Site, the compliance and/or non-compliance with the General Terms and Conditions or other Policies, as well as any violation of laws or rights of third parties.
The subscription to the Services will remain active as long as the User does not cancel their subscription or the payment method is rejected by the billing services. To use the Services, the User must have internet access and a device capable of browsing the Site. Subscription fees and/or any other additional charges incurred by the User in relation to the use of the Services, such as taxes and possible transaction fees (if applicable), will be added to the subscription payment and the payment method selected by the User on the billing date. The User can cancel the subscription at any time, retaining access to the Services until the end of their billing period. CUX informs the User that payments made by the User are non-refundable, and therefore no refunds, discounts, or credits will be granted for contracted subscription periods that were not used or were partially used by the User. To cancel the subscription, the User must log into the Site and follow the cancellation instructions, in which case the subscription will automatically expire at the end of their billing period, and they may reactivate their subscription at any later time. CUX reserves the right to modify subscription plans and package prices at any time, notifying the User of such situation through notice on the Site with no less than 30 (thirty) calendar days' notice prior to the modification.
Professionals, Institutions, and NGOs
16.1 CUX, merely acting as an intermediary, provides the User with an “Online Professionals” link to a telemedicine platform (hereafter, “DOC24”) (owned by PORTAL SALUD S.A., CUIT 30-71518161-0) through which Users can contact duly registered healthcare professionals. DOC24 is capable of offering various services related to health, serving as an online medical consultation and interconsultation system, which includes scheduling and medical management systems, knowledge bases, and online medical training. As the User will see, upon entering DOC24, they must accept the Terms and Conditions of that platform which are different from these terms and conditions of CUX. The mentioned professionals use CUX to offer their services and define the conditions of their offering. Therefore, these professionals will be responsible for the existence, quality, integrity, and/or legitimacy of the services they provide, and CUX will not be liable for the services they render and will hold CUX harmless from any administrative or judicial action that may arise due to the provision of their services. CUX does not recommend or express any judgment regarding the professionals or the services they offer. The Site will also have a space where Users can give feedback about the professionals and/or the services they provide. Such comments will be included under the exclusive responsibility of the issuer. CUX may edit and/or delete comments that are deemed inappropriate or offensive. Additionally, in the tab called “Institutions,” CUX provides Users with a list of institutions that address mental health issues free of charge. CUX does not recommend or express any judgment regarding the services provided by these institutions.
16.2. CUX assumes no responsibility for the diagnoses, treatments, or decisions made by healthcare professionals associated with DOC24 during telemedicine consultations. The use of telemedicine services provided by DOC24 is at the user’s own risk and discretion.
16.3. Under no circumstances will CUX receive, store, or process any type of medical information, diagnoses, clinical history, or sensitive data derived from the services that healthcare professionals provide to Users through the telemedicine services of DOC24.
Amendments to the Agreement
CUX may modify the General Terms and Conditions at any time by publishing the modified terms on the Site. All modified terms will take effect 10 (ten) days after their publication. Any User who does not agree with the modifications made by CUX may request the cancellation of their Account. The use of the Site and/or its Services implies acceptance of these General Terms and Conditions of use of CUX.
Jurisdiction and Applicable Law
Any controversy in the interpretation and execution of these Terms and Conditions will be resolved in accordance with Argentine Law and will be submitted to the jurisdiction of the National Commercial Justice based in the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, Argentina, waiving any other venue and/or jurisdiction that may correspond.
Identification system
Because verifying the identity of Users on the Internet is difficult, CUX cannot confirm or does not confirm the intended identity of each User. For this reason, CUX has the option to hire identification/validation systems based on data linked to the User's activity on the site and elsewhere. This identification/validation system may vary from time to time. For CUX, the most important thing is to comply with current regulations and best practices in the field and to have proactive responsibility.
WhatsApp Policies:
At CUX, we value your privacy and strive to provide you with the best possible experience. We are introducing a communication service through WhatsApp Business to keep you informed about our latest updates, exclusive offers, and services. We understand the importance of your consent, and we want to ensure that you are fully informed and comfortable with receiving messages from us via WhatsApp. By providing your phone number below and clicking "I accept," you confirm your consent to receive messages from CUX through WhatsApp Business. I agree to receive messages from CUX through WhatsApp Business. By clicking "I accept," you understand that the messages may include information about our services. We appreciate your trust in CUX, and we are committed to providing a transparent and valuable user experience.
The general Terms and Conditions included herein correspond to version V.3-00-00-2025.